About me:

I went through most of school undiagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder and I found it difficult to connect with outdated academic systems that often suppress creativity in the name of compliance and control. I found freedom in theatre arts and fantasy / science fiction communities, and today I use their gifts to help others imagine and manifest richer lives.



My name is Seth (he/him) and I am a former psychotherapist turned neurodivergence educator / life coach. My passion is to make the world a kinder and more welcoming place for all brain styles. I especially love working with autistic people and their families to help folks understand and cope with what it means to be a neurodivergent person living in a world designed for neurotypical people.

I left the psychotherapy world because I found it to be too restrictive and pathologizing. Today my services operate from a strengths-based neurodiversity approach that believes that there is no such thing as a “normal” brain and we all deserve to be better understood, cared for, and accommodated. Neurodivergence like Autism and ADHD are not diseases in need of a cure, but rather beautiful and necessary parts of human diversity.

I have many special interests that inform my work including a love for Theater Arts, Star Trek, Star Wars, and Dungeons and Dragons.


In 2006 I graduated from San Francisco State University with a double major in Psychology and Theatre Arts

In 2013 I graduated from the California Institute of Integral Studies with a Master of Arts in Clinical Counseling with an emphasis in Drama Therapy

In 2016 I completed a post-graduate training program specializing in a specific form of Drama Therapy called “Developmental Transformations”

Work History:

2006-2007 Residential Treatment Counselor for Edgewood Center for Children and Families in San Francisco, CA

2008-2014 Therapeutic Behavioral Service Coach for Edgewood Center for Children and Families in San Francisco, CA

2013-2014 Drama Therapy Practicum Trainee for Alta Bates Medical Center in Berkeley, CA.

2014-2016 School Based Behavioral Health Therapist for Edgewood Center for Children and Families in San Mateo, CA

2016-2023 Mental Health Therapist for the San Mateo Union High School District in San Mateo, CA

2023-2024 Lead Wellness Counselor at Hillsdale High School in San Mateo, CA


Developmental Transformations (DvT) Practitioner #45

“Discover the beauty of returning to your inner truths, and exploring the depths of your being. Instead of trying to bend the world to your will, trust in the possibilities of who you've always been, waiting to be set free.”

- Seth Wright